
Vacation Bible School provides many different opportunities to get involved:

There is a serving opportunity for EVERYONE!

Welcome Team, Check In, Registration, Crafts, Snacks, Games and more!  But Crew Leaders are the heart of our VBS!!

The best way to influence the everyday faith of a child is through a consistent, caring adult.  Our Crew Leaders and Assistants have the same group of kids each night and lead them through all of the fun and activities, engaging in meaningful conversations throughout the evening.

We love for our volunteers to be available each night of the week (Monday through Thursday, June 3-6) as well as our VBS Family Celebration on the Weekend (Saturday and Sunday, June 8-9).  While the  expectation is for Crew Leaders to be available each night, we can absolutely find a role for you even if you’re not able to make it every day.

Dinner for volunteers and their families are available for advance purchase.  Cost is $20 per person for the week.  Menu and option to purchase are available now – CLICK HERE.  Last day to purchase meals is Sunday, June 2nd.  Meals will be served each night from 4:45 – 5:20pm.

Volunteers check in each night before our Team Huddle at 5:30pm and serve through 8:30pm.

Childcare for infants through preschool is available for volunteer families only.  The team has a special program designed just for them back in the Nursery/Preschool area.  Registration for our volunteer kids will open Friday, May 10th!

VBS Volunteer Orientation will be Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm.  Pizza and childcare will be provided.  Please mark your calendars now!

Nightly Schedule


4:45-5:20    Volunteer Meal available
5:20              Welcome Team Huddle
5:30              Team Huddles; Sign Up & Check In open
5:40              Small Group Leaders in place in Auditorium
5:45              Auditorium doors open for Drop Off

Event Schedule

6:00              Large Group Opening
6:30-6:50    Small Groups
6:50-7:05    Activity 1
7:10-7:25     Activity 2
7:30-7:45    Activity 3
7:50             Closing


8:00-8:30  Pick Up and Lobby Activities

If you have any other questions, please reach out to Christina Chadwick by email at christina.morningstar@gmail.com or Liz Schaus at 623-535-0251.

We know that our great God has amazing plans for this summer. Thank you for being a part of what he has in store for the families in our church and community.