
This isn't the Sunday School you remember

Summit Kids (infant – 5th grade) is offered at ALL services times.  Sat 5pm | Sun 9&10:45am

With Summit Kids, we combine the critical influences of the church and home to incite wonder, provoke discovery, and fuel a passion for Jesus in the hearts of our next generation. Every part of Summit Kids is designed to show how fun and life-changing it is to have a relationship with Jesus. All of our staff and volunteers are trained and have undergone background checks. We also have security measures in place to ensure your child’s safety while in our care.

Parent Resources

Parent Cue App – find links to at-home activities as well as links to music and videos from the weekend

Summit Kids Helpful Links – age specific parenting resources


Summit’s Faith Pathway

We are excited to partner with you and your family in your child’s spiritual growth.

Throughout the year, you and your child will be invited to participate in events including:

  • Kinder-Kickoff
  • First Bible
  • First Communion
  • VBS


VBS 2024 | Start the Party!

We had such a great week at VBS!  Check out this year’s celebration video.

You have questions or want to join our mailing list?

We have answers. Plus all sorts of details and upcoming events. Just send us a message to the right.